21 January 2008

death is random but expected

Yesterday, there was a death in my family. She was my grandmother's sister. Her funeral is tomorrow; Tomorrow promises to be a long day.

I feel a sense of regret. I am not able to feel this loss as I think I should. My family is quite small, but there are certain relatives about whom I know very little. All I know about my great aunt is her name, really. I don't know anything significant about her life, only her death. Cancer. Broken hip, too frail and weak to perform surgery. Eight in the morning, gone.

If I believed in anything or anyone in particular, as far as a higher power, I would ask it/her/him to take care of my great aunt, wherever she might be now.

You can read several quotes about dying and death. None of them are particularly fitting nor eloquent when death actually happens. However, mortality becomes more real when death occurs so near; even for just a day, you want deeply to live.

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