10 November 2010

Mega blarg

There's not really anything new to complain about...

I still hate this town.

I am not doing well in school. Tomorrow, I will beg for a professor's mercy.

Today, I seriously considered transferring grad schools (which can be a huge pain) or just simply dropping out. I feel like I was shoved into this decision... it doesn't feel right but, then again, it never really did feel right. Should I have taken a couple of years off from school to work? If so, where the hell would I have worked? Meh, it doesn't matter... Going to grad school or no, it seems like finding a job will be an uphill battle (if what I hear from the battlefront is correct).

I keep missing deadlines.

I do have a back-up plan (I think) if this round of grad school doesn't work out. In undergrad school, I was only one class away from getting a B. A. in Creative Writing. Maybe if this does not work out, I could go back to Georgia ______, take that crazy Sociolinguistics class, and then re-apply to graduate school--only this time, it would be for an M. F. A. Who knows how that'd go... I'd have to deal with a thousand members of the oh-so knowledgable staff at Whatev University: "Hm, no I do not know the answer to your question. Your situation is a little different from the standard. Let me transfer you to Mrs. Hellifeyeno." "No, you need to talk to the Department of We'll Get Back to You Maybe, One Day... let me just transfer you..." "Hm, it seems like you might have to walk around campus until you reach a total of walking ten miles around this campus. After that, you will probably have to send twenty e-mails, of which a few will be answered. After that you will probably be advised to smash your head against a wall." Ok, so maybe I exaggerate. If I don't ever ask or see about it then I won't ever know, blah blah blah. I know.

On a lighter side, I have rediscovered my love of cartoons--sounds silly and maybe dumb but there is so much one can do with a cartoon. Joe Murray is now a hero of mine, haha. (Joe Murray created Rocko's Modern Life as well as Camp Lazlo, however, I am not very familiar with Camp Lazlo as I have not watched it more than a couple of times.) I cannot draw but I think my humor and cynicism would fit in quite well with cartoons. Any sort of satire... I'd be interested in.

I was also thinking of creating a website. It wouldn't be for making money, obviously, as I do not have the mind to do that sort of thing (maybe one day). The website would have random things on it for random people like me... I have more in-depth ideas, of course, but if I typed those out on here then someone would obviously steal them. Why--because I'm awesome. I know I'm awesome... just not totally awesome at this point in my life. One day, I will be totally awesome again... I will be more totally awesome because this time in Milledgeville will be in my past.